La Aroma de Cuba is an original Cuban brand from the late 1800s, once a favorite of Winston Churchill. Reborn in Nicaragua in the house of legendary cigar-maker, Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia, La Aroma de Cuba has quickly grown into a mega-brand and one of the hottest cigars on the market. Cigar Aficionado bestowed the brand with an exquisite 93-rating and declared it the ‘#1 Cigar Industry Best Buy in the World.’ La Aroma de Cuba is handcrafted in Estelí, Nicaragua. A glistening, chocolate-hued Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper is hand-selected to cover a rich assortment of aged Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. The medium-bodied profile reveals bold flavors of cedar, earth, brown sugar and nuts with a cool spice and a delicious finish. Top-tier quality, consistently rich aromas and an unrivaled value make La Aroma de Cuba a must-have cigar for true cigar connoisseurs as well as occasional smokers everywhere! Taste first-class flavor and try this amazing cigar without hesitation!